At Globe we are committed to providing a safe and all-inclusive workplace for our employees. Each of our offices has a comprehensive health and safety program and we take seriously our policies with regards to equal opportunity and harassment. Our company has its roots as a family business and as part of that tradition, favour developing and promoting our junior staff to see them grow as part of our business, rather than recruiting externally for senior roles. Globe International provides staff with enhanced benefits including annual flu vaccination programs, a staff volunteer-leave scheme and is developing a broader approach to mental health support. Globe International has long sought to be a desired employer of first choice in its industry, and our ability to achieve this is evidenced by the loyalty of many of the company’s long term staff and a relatively low rate of staff turnover.

At our Melbourne headquarters, Globe has joined the Inclusion Foundation’s Impact 21 employment program for young adults living with Down syndrome. Impact 21 is an employer-led program that aims to provide sustainable and open employment. Globe has also undertaken significant work on assessing and improving website accessibility with the aim of promoting accessibility and inclusion across all of the company’s websites.


On 4 March 2025 the Australian Government’s Workplace and Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), published gender pay gap (GPG) statistics for more than 7,600 sector employers for the 2023-2024 reporting period.
This is the first time Globe has participated in this process and our GPG statistics were published on the WGEA website on that date.

We believe the gender reporting process is important for Globe to understand where gender pay gaps (GPGs) may exist at different levels in our business and to help us to uncover and improve upon any systemic structures and processes which inadvertently drive them.

The gender reporting process has enabled management to deep dive into our gender statistics on a job level and broad job function basis to uncover areas for improvement. In our Australian operations we successfully operate a multi-branded business as a wholesaler and retailer with a wide range of core and emerging brands, meaning our workforce is diverse in job functions and job levels. We employee managers, sales staff, marketing and communication specialists, product developers and designers, IT, corporate, clerical, warehouse staff as well as machine operators. There are therefore few people in our business who have the same job function and level of responsibility.

As an organisation which prides itself on solid retention rates, many of our senior staff have been in our business since its inception and there is currently a proportionally higher number of men occupying senior management positions within our business, when compared with women, which exacerbates our average GPG statistics.

The GPG reporting process has been a catalyst for us to revisit our remuneration structures, applying a different lens. We acknowledge there is work to be done in our business to address the GPG, and the associated challenges in addressing these issues equitably. In addition to introducing a number of targeted initiatives, Management’s focus will be to carry out a further internal review of our remuneration level structures based on relative responsibilities within our business to ensure remuneration is fair, consistent and appropriate and to ensure any GPG which inadvertently exists is addressed.


The majority of our products are manufactured in China, the USA and Mexico with long standing third party supplier partners. Other items representing less than 8% of overall production are produced in factories across Vietnam, India, Bangladesh and Australia. At our dedicated partner skateboard manufacturing facility in Shenzhen, China, employee conditions, workplace safety and environmental standards have been audited by third-party specialists using a Sedex SMETA audit, most recently in May 2020.

Globe International is a member of SEDEX to further improve our ethical and sustainable sourcing practices. SEDEX is a global ethical trade member platform that allows businesses to manage risk, meet compliance and provide transparency across supply chains. Any new major suppliers are required to join SEDEX as a prerequisite of working with us.

Due to continuing grave and systematic labour rights violations in Turkmenistan, the company has pledged to not knowingly use cotton sourced from that country’s cotton industry. Additionally Globe has also pledged to not knowingly use cotton sourced from China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and so expects its suppliers not to source such cotton.

Our Ethical Sourcing Policy sets out the minimum standards we expect from our suppliers and they are required to enter into an agreement based on this policy before trade commences. In addition, our sourcing employees are required to make separate agreements requiring them to report back to management any work-practices that they observe which do not meet our expected standards. Our employees and suppliers are reminded annually of our minimum standards and their obligations in this area, particularly in relation to our policies around banning both child and forced labour along with the requirement to provide a safe workplace for all.

A copy of our current Ethical Sourcing Policy is available HERE and a copy of our Modern Slavery Statement is available HERE.


The Company sets out the minimum product safety regulations that its suppliers must agree to and ratify. These are set out in our Restricted Substances List Agreement and deal with substances including lead, phthalates, azo dyes and other hazardous materials. The Company also undertakes third party testing of its products to ensure compliance with product safety regulations including those under the Regulation, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (“REACH”) in Europe and the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (“CPSIA”) which is in force in the United States. General Certificates of Conformity can be viewed at our online database HERE.